1. First write 'bootloader' into Atmega8 with 'Arduino bootloader copier'.
2. Insert 'Atmega8 with bootloader' onto Arduino NG board and download LCD sketch into the Atmega8 chip.
3. Remove the Atmega8 chip from the Arduino NG board and insert the Atmega8 chip onto breadboard with LCD, 16 MHz crystal, capacitors, reset resistor, etc, as shown.
----------12-----DI (RS)----4--------------18
-----------------------------------------------9----->16 MHz Xtal --->22pF--->GND
-----------------------------------------------10--->16 MHz Xtal --->22pF--->GND
-----------------------------------------------1-----> 6K resistor---> 5V
4. Connect the 5V supply to the breadboard and wait for a few second for Atmega8 to reset.
IT WORKS ! ! !