2009年5月19日 星期二

Dot matrix watch

Use a Atmeg8 with bootloader to make a dot matric watch. Basic circuit is the same but two push switches are added for hour and minute adjustment.

1. Connect the LED matrix, Arduino NG and the resistors.

* Pin Assignments are as follows:
* 8x8 LED ----------------> Atmega8 (with bootloader)
* 1 --------------------------> 3....D1 (connect to 220 ohm resistor between LED and Arduino)
* 2 --------------------------> 4....D2
* 3 --------------------------> 5....D3
* 4 --------------------------> 6....D4
* 5 --------------------------> 11..D5
* 6 --------R220-----------> 12..D6
* 7 --------------------------> 13..D7
* 8 --------------------------> 14..D8
* 9 --------------------------> 15..D9
* 10 -------R220----------> 16..D10
* 11 ------------------------> 17..D11
* 12 ------------------------> 18..D12
* 13 ------------------------> 19..D13
* 14 ------------------------> 23..D14(A0)
* 15 -------R220----------> 24..D15(A1)
* 16 -------R220----------> 25..D16(A2)

8x8 LED - pin assignment

Two switches connected as follows:
+5V------>R10K----->Atmega 8 pin 27----->switch A----->GND (hour switch)
+5V------>R10K----->Atmega 8 pin 28----->switch B----->GND (minute switch)

2. Insert Atmeg8(with bootloader) into the Arduino and download the following script into the Atmega8
/* Dot Watch Code
* Main Components:
* Atmega8
* 8x8 LED Matrix
* Pin Assignments
* 8x8 LED -> Atmega8
* 1 -> D1:
* 2 -> D2 :
* 3 -> D3:
* 4 -> D4:
* 5 -> D5:
* 6* -> D6: add 200 Ohm resistor
* 7 -> D7:
* 8 -> D8:
* 9 -> D9:
* 10* -> D10: add 200 Ohm resistor
* 11 -> D11:
* 12 -> D12:
* 13 -> D13:
* 14 -> D14 A(0):
* 15* -> D15 A(1): add 200 Ohm resistor
* 16* -> D16 A(2): add 200 Ohm resistor
* row # LED pin #
* 0 5 I I
* 1 11 I I
* 2 12 I LED I
* 3 2 I MATRIX I
* 4 14 I Ark SZ411288k I
* 5 3 I I
* 6 7 I I
* 7 8 I________________________________I
* LED pin # 13 10 15 9 4 16 6 1
* Col # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
* Pin # Pin #
* _________________________________
* M I 8+ +9 I
* A I 7+ +10 I
* R I 6+ LED +11 I
* K I 5+ MATRIX +12 I
* I I 4+ Ark SZ411288k +13 I
* N I 3+ +14 I
* G I 2+ +15 I
* I 1+ I
* I________________________________I

#define millisOverflow 34359738

unsigned long currentMillis = 0;
unsigned long previousMillis = 0;
int valm=0,valh=0;

int ticks = 0;
// The Dot Watch always starts operation @ 1258 hrs
int seconds = 29;
int minutes = 19;
int hours = 12;

// Set LED pins[x] for Arduino pins
int pin[17] = {-1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16};

// Set LED columns
int col[8] = {pin[13], pin[10], pin[15], pin[9], pin[4], pin[16], pin[6], pin[1]};

// Set LED rows
int row[8] = {pin[5], pin[11], pin[12], pin[2], pin[14], pin[3], pin[7], pin[8]};

void displayFlash() {
// Pulse four columns as seconds ticker
// Set columns 0, 3, 4, & 7 ON
digitalWrite(col[0], HIGH);
digitalWrite(col[3], HIGH);
digitalWrite(col[4], HIGH);
digitalWrite(col[7], HIGH);
digitalWrite(col[2], LOW);
// Turn each row ON, then OFF
for (int i=0; i<8; i++) {
pinMode(row[i], OUTPUT);
delay (100);
pinMode(row[i], INPUT);
// Set columns 0, 3, 4, & 7 OFF
digitalWrite(col[0], LOW);
digitalWrite(col[3], LOW);
digitalWrite(col[4], LOW);
digitalWrite(col[7], LOW);

void displayTime(int displayHours, int displayMinutes) {
// Columns 1 & 2 are used for hours
// Column 1 = 5 hour increments
// Column 2 = 1 hour increments
// Columns 5 & 6 are used for minutes
// Column 5 = 10 minute increments
// Column 6 = 2 minute increments
int displayHoursCol1 = 0;
int displayHoursCol2 = 0;
int displayMinutesCol1 = 0;
int displayMinutesCol2 = 0;

// Setup hours first
// Use division & modulo division for determining hour rows
displayHoursCol1 = displayHours / 5;
displayHoursCol2 = displayHours % 5;
// Setup minutes
// Use division & modulo division for determining minute rows
displayMinutesCol1 = displayMinutes / 10;
displayMinutesCol2 = displayMinutes % 10;
switch(displayMinutesCol2) {
case 1:
displayMinutesCol2 = 1;
case 2:
displayMinutesCol2 = 1;
case 3:
displayMinutesCol2 = 2;
case 4:
displayMinutesCol2 = 2;
case 5:
displayMinutesCol2 = 3;
case 6:
displayMinutesCol2 = 3;
case 7:
displayMinutesCol2 = 4;
case 8:
displayMinutesCol2 = 4;
case 9:
displayMinutesCol2 = 5;

// Loop through the display of the LED hours+minutes
int counter=0;
// Determine which rows to light for hours
// Start with Column 2
digitalWrite(col[2], HIGH);
for (int dot=0; dot pinMode(row[6-dot], OUTPUT);
pinMode(row[6-dot], INPUT);
digitalWrite(col[2], LOW);
// Now Column 1
digitalWrite(col[1], HIGH);
for (int dot=0; dot pinMode(row[6-dot], OUTPUT);
pinMode(row[6-dot], INPUT);
digitalWrite(col[1], LOW);
// Now display the minutes
// Start with Column 6
digitalWrite(col[6], HIGH);
for (int dot=0; dot pinMode(row[6-dot], OUTPUT);
pinMode(row[6-dot], INPUT);
digitalWrite(col[6], LOW);
// Now display Column 5 minutes
digitalWrite(col[5], HIGH);
for (int dot=0; dot pinMode(row[6-dot], OUTPUT);
pinMode(row[6-dot], INPUT);
digitalWrite(col[5], LOW);

counter = counter + 1;

} while (counter<100);

void setup() {
// Set Arduino column pins for LED
for (int i=0; i<17; i++) {
pinMode(pin[i], OUTPUT);
// Set column pins LOW
for (int i=0; i<8; i++) {
digitalWrite(col[i], LOW);
// Set row pins OFF
for (int i=0; i<8; i++) {
pinMode(row[i], INPUT);

void loop() {
// Begin program
// Start Clock
// Increment clock seconds and calculate minutes & hours
currentMillis = millis();
// Check for millis overflow @ approx 9.5 hrs
if (currentMillis < previousMillis) {
ticks += millisOverflow - previousMillis + currentMillis;
ticks += currentMillis - previousMillis;

seconds += ticks / 993; //seconds += ticks / 1000
ticks = ticks % 993;

// flash LED for each second
digitalWrite(col[2], HIGH);
pinMode(row[1], OUTPUT);
pinMode(row[1], INPUT);

if (seconds >= 60) {
seconds = 0;
if (minutes >= 60) {
hours = hours + 1;
minutes = 0;
if (hours > 12) {
hours = 1;
// Flash the watch, then display the time
if (minutes == 0){
if (minutes == 15){
if (minutes == 30){
if (minutes == 45){

displayTime(hours, minutes);

previousMillis = currentMillis;

valm = analogRead(5); // add one minute when pressed
if(valm<400) {

valh = analogRead(4); // add one hour when pressed
if(valh<400) {


3. Pull out the Atmega8 and insert into the circuit board.

4. Connect the battery and wait for a few seconds.

5. Adjust the time using switches A and B.